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You have entered the domain of the Cheshire one, be prepared to be greeted with mods for both the first and the second Fear & Hunger games. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If you are a modder and want to add any of my mods as an extension of your own project, you are allowed to do so. Just don't claim the mod/s as your own and be sure to make a post here letting me know, that's all!

Mod Loader
Description: Loads scripts into the game without needing to use RPG Maker itself. This should make life easier for non-modders to have access to modded content.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_ModLoader.js
Suggested by: Myself

2 Inventory Columns
Description: Gives room for more content to be shown inside the inventory.
Mod Scope: F&H 2
Filename: TY_YEP_ItemCore.js
Suggested by: Nemesis#0240

99 Enlightenment Books
Description: Gives you 99 Enlightenment Books every time you enter a map.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHFreeSaves.js
Suggested by: christopoulos#7244 / Inductive Kick#0513

Detailed Equipment Stats
Description: Gives the Equipment Scene a small rework, you can now have access to both basic stats and accurate and less confusing elemental resistances applied by equipments.
NOTE: This plugin also removes the "Defense" and "M.Defense" stats as they serve no purpose other than being placeholders for actual elemental resistance values.
Mod Scope: F&H 2
Filename: TY_DetailedEquip.js
Suggested by: Nemesis#0240

More Silver Coins
Description: Gives you the ability to carry 9999 silver coins or more.
NOTE:  If you wish, you can also configure the mod file in order to gain Infinite Coins.
TY.Mods.GiveInfiniteCoins = true; TY.Mods.GiveInfiniteCoins = false;
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHMoreCoins.js
Suggested by: Myself

Force Action Fix
Description: An attempt at fixing "removeCurrentAction" and "scope" of null errors in combat scenarios.
This is a bug fix ported from RPG Maker MZ's latest version which addresses this issue.
NOTE:  This is an experimental mod, it may or not actually fix the problem.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHForceActionFix.js
Suggested by: Myself

99 Lucky Coins
Description: Gives you 99 Lucky Coins every time you enter a map.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHFreeLuckyCoins.js
Suggested by: YoungMikey

99 Soul Stones
Description: Gives you 99 Soul Stones every time you enter a map.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHFreeSoulStones.js
Suggested by: Mipywomp

99 Scrolls and Quills
Description: Gives you 99 Empty Scrolls and Quills every time you enter a map.
Mod Scope: F&H 1
Filename: TY_FnHFreeScrolls.js
Suggested by: Latiro Mazzaire

Description: Makes your characters unable to lose health, mind and hunger + immune to debuffs such as Arm Cut, Leg Cut, Blindness, etc.
Additionally this mod disables Coin Flip Attacks from all enemies, this can be enabled/disabled in the Mod's Parameters if desired, by default this is turned ON.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHInvincible.js
Suggested by: Caomeipomme

Show All Recipes
Description: Show all item recipes available in the game without needing books and such.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHShowRecipes.js
Suggested by: Ilyselia

Gain All Skills
Description: Gain all skills which are normally available in the game without needing soul stones, killing anyone and such.
Skills are also instantly given to any characters which join the party.
Mod Scope: F&H 1 and F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHFreeSkills.js
Suggested by: AestroGaming

Infinite Dash Stamina
Description: Makes your character unable to run out of stamina when dashing via shift key. You can also toggle auto-dashing by pressing the shift key once.
Mod Scope: F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHInfiniteStamina.js
Suggested by: ReinhardOverpowered

Remove Fog and Visibility Overlays
Description: Removes overlays that are drawn on the screen, which otherwise reduce the player's overall vision.
Mod Scope: F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHRemoveOverlays.js
Suggested by: Thehope080699

Wait for Dialogue
Description: Pauses effects like hunger, sanity and bleeding while reading dialogue. This will also delay on map attacks like the Yellow Mage's Hurting.
Mod Scope: F&H 1
Filename: TY_FnHWaitForDialogue.js
Commissioned by: s0mthinG

Access Hexen from Menu
Description: You now have the option to freely go to the hexen from inside the menu. This will also make it so time doesn't advance(In Termina).
Mod Scope: F&H 2
Filename: TY_FnHHexenMenu.js
Suggested by: SchwanzusLongius

Please read the contents of the TY_ModLoader.js file, which can be opened with notepad.

P.S - For more awesome mods check out the following:
F&H Reign of New Gods
F&H: Termina Premonition Mod
F&H: MattieFM's Mods

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorToby Yasha
Tagsfear-and-hunger, RPG Maker


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

TY_ModLoader.js 2.2 kB
TY_YEP_ItemCore.js 317 bytes
TY_FnHFreeSaves.js 741 bytes
TY_DetailedEquip.js 11 kB
TY_FnHMoreCoins.js 1.6 kB
TY_FnHForceActionFix.js 969 bytes
TY_FnHFreeLuckyCoins.js 652 bytes
TY_FnHFreeSoulStones.js 653 bytes
TY_FnHFreeScrolls.js 319 bytes
TY_FnHInvincible.js 9.2 kB
TY_FnHShowRecipes.js 950 bytes
TY_FnHFreeSkills.js 12 kB
TY_FnHInfiniteStamina.js 5 kB
TY_FnHRemoveOverlays.js 1.5 kB
TY_FnHWaitForDialogue.js 28 kB
TY_FnHHexenMenu.js 10 kB

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hi. i made this account so i can ask for help,

no matter what i do, i can't seem to get mods to work :-( i have tried even starting a new game. is there something i am supposed to enable? here are the screen shots 

So i tested your setup, but i haven't run into any issues.

- There seem to be no spelling  mistakes in the "TY.MOD_LIST" section of the "TY_ModLoader.js" file

- You have correctly added the line to load the mods in the "index.html" file

Some questions to help troubleshoot this:

- Have you created the "mods" folder in "www" folder of the game?

- Is your "mods" folder actually named "mods" and not "Mods" or "MODS" or anything like that?

- Have you tried loading the game with only 1 mod at a time? Maybe a mod in particular is causing problems in your setup.

- And by "can't seem to get the mods to work" you mean you don't see any changes when opening the inventory, right?(In your case you should see 99 quills, 99 empty scrolls and 99 enlightenment books)

Let me know if you are still facing issues.

hi, thank you for getting back to me,

yes, thats what i meant, nothing shows in my inventory whether i load a new game or play an existing file. my mod folder is named mods.

i just loaded up funger and did one mod at a time, still no dice unfortunately. do i need to use one of those decryptor things?

I don't think decrypting the game has anything to do with this.

My last solution to this problem would be for me to send you my version of the mod files and see if that makes a difference.

You can contact me via discord:

username: tobyyasha

okay, thank you :-)

Hey, do you still have issues with the mods?


 Do the free skills mod max out affinity with the gods? Also do i need to start a new game for the mod & the hexen menu mod to work?

You could try starting a new game, but i'm sure they should work on existing save files, especially the hexen menu(which you would see a soulstone in the menu command list).

But since you may be experiencing some issues i'll have to ask for some screenshots in order to troubleshoot the issue:

- index.html file (open in notepad or any similar program)

- TY_ModLoader.js (open in notepad or any similar program) (i need to see the TY.MOD_LIST)

- The mods that you have inside of your "mods" folder.

 oh dang was hoping I wouldn't have to use modloader bc I'm on joiplay on android and could just move the two .js mods in the js folder in www

Just making sure but all i have to do is install modloader in the js folder?

No, adding the mod loader to the js folder won't do anything in this case.

I don't know much joiplay, but can't you edit files in it or edit the files externally on your computer then export them to joiplay?

Because even if you didn't use my mod loader to load the mods you would still have to edit some files to add the mods in.

For instance you could modify the "plugins.js" to add the data of the mods in the rpg maker format.


and then you could add the mods in the "js/plugins" folder.

It's up to you if you want to add the mods this way, but using my mod loader is pretty similar to the method above and maybe a tad bit easier since you only have to add the filenames only in order to load the mods.

Let me know if you got any other question.

Ok so kinda gave up on doing it on my phone and am now on computer quick question about putting mod names in between quotation marks should it look like this




Bc the example in modloader has them between apostrophe marks (') not quotation marks (") 


Hi! Sorry for the spanish commentary, i don´t speak english XD

Hace poco instalé el mod que remueve la niebla y me encantó, me gustaría hacer un tutorial en YT al respecto y vine aquí a pedir permiso, obviamente les daré los créditos a ustedes jajaja

Y de la mano con ese tema, me percaté de que la "niebla" sigue presente cuando entras al interior de un edificio. Me preguntaba si existe algún otro mod al respecto, o si puedo ponerme en contacto con ustedes para poder crear uno (no soy programador, pero me encantaría ayudarles o en cualquier caso recibir una guía para intentarlo por mi cuenta).

Eso es todo de mi parte, muchas gracias y gracias por los mods :)

Oye, gracias por mostrar interés en uno de los mod. Tienes mi permiso para hacer un vídeo sobre ello. Estoy seguro de que la comunidad apreciará tu tutorial.

¿Por "niebla" en el interior de los edificios se refiere quizás al "efecto oscuridad"? De lo contrario, no estoy seguro de haber visto niebla real dentro de los edificios. ¿Tiene una captura de pantalla que muestre el problema?

Si te refieres al efecto de oscuridad, entonces puedes probar esta nueva versión experimental.

Ten en cuenta que puede eliminar algunos de los elementos de iluminación del juego.

Sólo tienes que actualizar tu archivo antiguo con este, asegúrate de que el nombre sea correcto.


Sí, era el efecto de oscuridad! Parece que todo funciona correctamente, muchas gracias!!

buenos dias alguien me puede ayudar trato de poner a funcionar el mod de invencibilidad pero no me funciona y no se porque primero no se como intalar el mod en el juego segundo no se donde colocar el mod si es en la carpeta raiz del juego o en la carpeta que dice www del juego y tengo el jego pirata, la verdad es primera vez que le descargo mods y no se como hacer que funcione la verdad intente jugar el juego sin mods pero me resulto muuuuy dificil asi que intento pasarlo con trucos para saber de su historia que la verdad esta muy buena por lo que pude ver en youtube y en tik tok, en fin necesito ayuda para poder jugarlo con el mod de invencibilidad y es para el fear hunger 1 y no se como funcionaria para el 2, la verdad no se nada de progrmacion asi que no se donde va o como se activa  para que haga efecto el mod, tengo el juego pirata y lo necesito para el fear and hunger 1 

Si ha descargado el archivo "TY_ModLoader.js", puede abrirlo en la aplicación "Bloc de notas"(notepad) para ver las instrucciones.

Pero para facilitar las cosas también explicaré el proceso aquí.

El primer paso es abrir el archivo "index.html" con la aplicación "notepad".

Y agregue la siguiente línea de código:

<script type="text/javascript" src="mods/TY_ModLoader.js"></script>

Esa línea de código debe agregarse debajo de esta línea de código que encontrará dentro del archivo "index.html".

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>

(No te preocupes, agregaré imágenes en otro comentario para ayudarte a comprender mejor el proceso.)

El segundo paso es crear una carpeta llamada "mods".Esta nueva carpeta se creará dentro de la carpeta "www".

El tercer paso es agregar el archivo "TY_ModLoader.js" en la carpeta "mods" recién creada.

El cuarto paso consiste en agregar modificaciones al juego.

Abra el archivo "TY_ModLoader.js" en la aplicación "Bloc de notas"(notepad).

Dentro del archivo encontrará una sección vacía similar a esta

 TY.MOD_LIST = [];

esta línea de código debe estar debajo de esta otra línea de código:

TY.MOD_FILEPATH = 'mods/';

Dentro de los corchetes de esta línea de código puedes agregar el nombre de las modificaciones que deseas instalar.


Entonces aquí agregas el nombre del archivo mod entre comillas y sin la extensión ".js" así:


entiendo bro pero donde coloco el archivo ty_modloader.js osea lo descargo y lo habro desde la ventana o lo coloco en la carpeta base del juego o en la parte de www del juego es que no se donde colocarlo 

Como mencioné en mi comentario, lo agregas en la carpeta "mods" que acabas de crear. Y la carpeta "mods" se crea en la carpeta "www".

¿Has leído atentamente mi primer comentario? Allí te expliqué todo lo que debes saber.

Pero lo más importante es que deberías consultar mi segundo comentario de tu publicación, que incluye algunas imágenes que podrían ayudarte.


Hello, Could you help me find a solution or offer some advice about how to modify the way the Basic Stats and Element Resistances are displayed inside the Equip Scene?

I'm the creator of the Thai translation mod for Fear & Hunger 2 Termina on Nexus Mods. I'm having an issue with the 'Agility' stat not displaying properly on the status menu. I suspect the issue is related to the language or font I'm using, as it displays correctly in the original English version.

I have very little knowledge of RPG Maker MV, and I've tried many things, but nothing seems to work. If I can't fix this problem, would I be allowed to use your 'Detailed Equipment Stats' mod and add it to my own? I'll ensure you receive full credit and proper attribution for your work. Thank You


Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I was a bit busy today.

First of all, i'll look into fixing this tomorrow, but i'll need some feedback from you potentially in order to see if the fix really does work for you.

Second of all, you are totally allowed to include the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod(or any mod i made) in your project. 

Thanks for letting me know!


No problem at all! It really means a lot that you're even considering helping me. I really appreciate it.


So in your screenshot i noticed you have 7 stats, but the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod should show only 5 and the 2 indicators at the bottom. 

Does that mean you want your translation mod to be useable even without other modded content like the "Detailed Equipment Stats" mod?

If not then you may have not properly added the mod to the game. If after the mod works something similar to what you posted in your screenshot happens then check the code i pasted below and edit TY_DetailedEquip.js - It should be around line 178.

If yes then you should check out the code below and modify the YEP_EquipCore.js - It should be around line 821.

In any case i posted some code here that you can check out:


Let me know if you need further assistance.

Thank you for your help. I apologize if I caused any confusion or have been unclear. 

To clarify, I want my mod to be as vanilla as possible. Since I'm not very familiar with RPG Maker MV, this way I won't have to make many changes when the developers update the game. Or have problems with compatibility when used with other mods. Using your mod would be my last resort. If all else fails, I'm hoping I can use your mod. 

I've edited the code in the 'YEP_EquipCore.js' file as you suggested, but it seems like it's still not working. The issue persists. Could you possibly assist me further? I hope I'm not bothering you too much. 


Right, i forgot one detail. the "TY_RemoveLuck_YEP_EquipCore" plugin also modifies the method i just gave you.

In order for the fix to work you to have to paste the code you added inside "YEP_EquipCore"  to "TY_RemoveLuck_YEP_EquipCore" instead.

Make sure to erase the existing "Window_StatCompare.prototype.refresh" method that you find inside the plugin.

(1 edit)

im having issues with Detailed Equipment Stats, and i am playing with other mods but the only source of the problem that i can figure out seems to be YEP_EquipCore, which is just an rpgmaker mv plugin used in the game? so idk if its just a bug or a mod conflict, cuz it would be a bug you'd certainly encounter while making the mod. im trying to use it on a vanilla save if thats anything, but when i try to go to the equipment screen on a character it gives me an error. if theres any way to DM you so i can share the error log, let me know. thanks!


nevermind, only now figured it out!! ive been trying to fix this for 2 days lol ToT i just had to disable TY_ModLoader cuz im using mattie's mod loader too, i should have figured that out way earlier, thats embarassing

I'm glad you figured it out.

I can only imagine there can be issues if you try using both the mod loaders together(probably because they are loading the same stuff twice?)

But generally speaking if you are using Mattie's mod loader you shouldn't need my mod loader since it doesn't do anything fancy , at least for now.

And no need to feel embarrassed, i'm honestly impressed you manage to fix this on your even if it took you some time, because i'm not sure i would have thought of your solution, given that i don't test my mods with other mods(but if you ever face problems using my mods together with other mods let me know).


Hi, it`s possible add more slots for accessories for F&H?

There are plans for a mod like this to be made.

However I can't say when that will be available since i'm busy working on other stuff at the moment.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Hi, I tried to load the mods following the steps in the modloader file, but it doesn't seem to load the mods, can somene help me?

can you post screenshots of the following things:

- index.html (open in notepad)

- TY_ModLoader.js (open in notepad)

- Mods folder

if anyone could help ive got an issue i cant work out. i decrypted my files and most of the mods work but 1, the dev menu has bugged my game. every time i try to open the menu or even my inventory im give a 'Loading Screen', that never ends. if anyone could help that'd be great.

What F&H game are you trying to mod?

What mods are you using?

What mods aren't working?

What is this "dev menu" you are talking about? 

Can you post some screenshots with your:

- index.html (open in notepad or any similar program)

- mods folder

- TY_ModLoader.js (open in notepad or any similar program)

Hey Toby, I'm hoping you can help me out with my mods. I'm trying to plugin the free saves mods but its not working. I have the modloader script pasted into the index and I have the free saves script pasted into the mod list. I made a new folder in the www folder for mods and placed both the loader file and the mod file in it. When I boot up the game the Tab function doesn't spawn the books. What am I missing? Do I have to wait till after talking to the contestants in front of the train before trying to get the books? I have looked at the Free Saves note in note pad. I followed those steps as well but still nothing worked. Thank you for your help. 


fixed it

Is there anyway to enable all of the overworld dangers such as traps, etc.. and just have the benefits of invincibility?


So you want to enable events that can instantly kill you or remove your limbs? That may work, but not fully in the current state of the mod.

Also, which F&H game would this be for?


Both, if possible. But mainly I am only concerned with Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


I was wondering if you’d take suggestions at all if you consider making more mods in the future? I was thinking about an infinite ammo (all types) mod  for termina maybe.

Seems like it would be a fun time going around shooting everything lol


Yes and thank you for your suggestion.

(1 edit)

Also, I don’t see a file here for MOD_LIST, so I’m entirely sure how to put the separate mod files in correctly. If I just paste the code from one onto another specific one or I just drag one of the existing files into it.

unless I am supposed to edit it through the html file. I did open the html file and it did say “failed to load: data/Actors.json”. So I may not be enitrely sure how it’s supposed to look like. Apologies if either my questions are dumb, I don’t understand this stuff very wel lol.

The "MOD_LIST" is located inside of the TY_ModLoader.js file

So in order to make the TY_ModLoader load mods for you, you have to open it with a program like notepad and then put the name of the mod files inside the of the "MOD_LIST" section.

Example: The 99 Enlightenment Books mod filename would be TY_FnHFreeSaves so you add it as 'TY_FnHFreeSaves' into the "MOD_LIST" section.

The index.html should only be edited in order to add the TY_ModLoader.js file.

You shouldn't be using the index.html to launch the game, only use the Game.exe file.

You can also try re-reading the instructions inside the TY_ModLoader.js as this explain the whole process.

Let me know if you managed to get the mods to work, cheers!


the mods seems to work, thanks a lot! Your mods are helpful for those who need a handicap or just want a sandbox funger.

My only issue with is that the mods, it makes the game lag heavily (and even crashed on one of my tests). Is there a good fix for this at all?

Lag? i haven't heard of mods causing lag, at least not mine.

Crashes? Depends, but if there's an error caused by the mods i usually fix it.

Now, it's worth keeping in mind that the unmodded game can be laggy and can also be prone to crashes at times, so it's no surprise that you encountered these circumstances.

But since we're on the topic, what is the F&H that you modded and what are the mods that you are currently using?

What is the crash that you encountered?

This way i could possibly determine what's going on.

Also i'm glad that you found the mods useful, cheers!

I’m running these all on the first game.

it wouldn’t surprise me though if this issue was caused by the mere fact that I am running so many mods on it to begin with however. My guess is I would need to simplify some of the scripts within the mod files to clutter it less, but I’d be curious to get your input as well since I’m sure you know better anyways. (and i cannot thank you enough)

the crash I encountered happened once, and all it did is pretty much force quit the game on itself. My computer was certainly burning some juice there though, I’ll tell you that.

I see, so these are the mods that you have installed, personally i wouldn't worry since most of them don't do much under the hood. But if you want to modify the mods in any way feel free to do so.

By the way, the Infinite Stamina mod is meant for Fear & Hunger Termina, you can check the itch page as every mod is listed there with a "mod scope" section too.

As for your crash, it might be due to the game not having enough memory to run, i did have the game crash on me like this once so this would be my best guess.

You can try playing the game with less programs open and see if you are still encountering this problem.

any idea if these are compatible with the steam versions? Thanks!

Yes, they are.

im sorry for the sudden message, but.. I installed the mods and i can't put them on my game, this is the very first time i try mods on funger: termina, can someone explain me how can i possibly put the mods to work? D:

Hey there!

In order to mod your game first things first is to get to the folder containing your game.

If you got the game from Steam it should be somewhere along the lines of:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fear & Hunger 2 Termina

I think it's easier with itch.io since they give you the whole folder already so you can find it much easier.

If you now have access to the game folder the next step is to download the TY_ModLoader.js file and open it in a program like notepad.

 This file is used to tell the game what mods to load, but the most important part is that it also contains a tutorial in how you should set up your mods.

Let me know if you managed to get the mods working on your side.



tysm it worked!! Thanks for your patience!! <3

Hello! I am sorry to bother about this as it seems like a trivial mistake, but I've been unable to activate the mods no matter how hard I try, this is my first time doing something like this and I have no clue what to do now.
Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong(?):


From your first screenshots everything looks good and should have been working.

But the thing that stands out to me is the "Fear & Hunger 2 Cheat", is this a modded version of the game?

Asking this because i would usually see the file path start more like this "Fear & Hunger 2 Termina"

Alternatively you can try loading the free soul stones or the hexen menu mod to see if the problem is with only 1 of them.

(1 edit) (+2)

I ask you if it would be possible to make a version of the free skills mod, specifically for termina, where every skill is unlocked from the start, meaning I never need to kill other contestants for their abilities, but I still need to unlock the skills with soul stones.

edit: if it can be made for both, it would be even better, but prioritize termina if you can't

I'll keep that in mind for the next mod update.

It will have to wait a bit though since i'm currently working on my own game.

Thanks for the suggestion!

(2 edits)

sorry to bother you, but do you know if the contestant souls are an item that can be given to the player, or is it something else, like a switch, or a trait?

They are switches.

(1 edit)

Do they change anything else in the game?

Like, killing the contestant who has the soul?

Only thing i could quickly find was this example of a soul being given in game after a battle.

Hello, Can I bother you with these? I have downloaded the "Playable Non-Playables" mod and they do not seem to work with your mods. previously,  before I downloaded the "Playable Non-Playables" mod, your mod works just fine but when I downloaded the mentioned mod, it now doesn't.

Can you show me the following files by making some screenshots of them:

- TY_ModLoader.js (to know what mods you are using)

- Index.html

Also, just to confirm is this the mod in question? https://www.nexusmods.com/fearandhunger2termina/mods/49


Yes, that is indeed the mod I downloaded after downloading yours.
and this is the screenshots of those files:

I'm very sorry for taking so long to look at this.

In your first screenshot you don't seem to have added the "TY_ModLoader.js" file to the "index.html" contents.

At the top of the "TY_ModLoader.js" file the first tutorial step mentions adding a specific line to the contents of the"index.html" file.

But if you did do that and it still doesn't work let me know and i'll try responding faster this time around.


Thank you for the reply, after carefully reading the index again, it seems when I downloaded the mod, the inserted code got erased. It seems to be working again, thank you!


Hello, I’m terribly sorry to bother you about this, but I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own and getting nowhere with it. For some reason, it seems like the Premonition mod clashes with a few of these—namely the ones that edit items like the lucky coins, soul stones and detailed equipment stats—and I was wondering if there was anything I could edit to have them work together. Thank you for your time either way, and thank you for all of your work on these mods!

Sounds strange, but in order to help you i need more details of what's going on.

When you say it clashes with the lucky coins and soul stones mods does that mean you either get a different item, an invisible item or no item at all?

And as for the detailed equipment stats i'm not sure what could be wrong right off the bat, so this might require some screenshots to get a clue.

Thanks for reporting these issues!


No problem, thank you so much for responding to me!

Turns out that I was mistaken about the detailed equipment stats; that is still working alongside the overlay, recipes and inventory columns.

As far as I can tell, it seems like Premonition might change the id of the coins/stones. I installed the enlightenment mod on top of the built-in feature of unlimited saves of Premonition and they were considered two different items (with one stack of x99 and a single book that can be reused infinitely). On top of that, the character started with a lucky coin which was singular and not reusable.

When I was in battle I had a stack of an invisible item that had a number of x99, so I assume that was what one of the two was changed to. When I used the item there was no descriptor, item name and no effect, so I don't know if that's helpful at all. Other than that I couldn't find any hint of what the coins/stones had been changed to.

Thank you again!

This has been fixed, along with other mods which were suffering from a similar issue.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

Thank you so much!!


For funger 1 is there i way for the mod to give me the items at a slower pace? (other than just setting the amount to 1 as opposed to 99) Perhaps even say like a 1 time thing?


I'll look into this a bit later, items being given only 1 time sounds doable.

And by items being given at a slower pace i'm not sure what you mean by that?

(5 edits)

So if I set items to be given to 1 over 99 I still hit 99 in amount fairly quickly since its on map change. For example if I got 1 every other map change or perhaps on battle start instead. Also perhaps a mod for slower  hunger and mind decay rate would be sweet. Cut preferably by half.


Could you make a Mod that lets you use the Hexen at the start without having to rest? I have been looking for a Mod like that for Ages


Sure, i'll do it after i take care of s0mthinG's request.

Im sorry if this sounds rude but do you know how long that will take?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll try giving it a look tomorrow to see if i can do it too, otherwise i'll leave it for the day after.


Thats really fast thank you so much

Unfortunately i'll have to delay this request for a bit since s0mthinG's request ended up taking me a bit longer to finish.


Hey i tried the Gain All Skills Mod and it seems to work only Problem is im not getting any Spells from Termina the Spells from F&H1 are working fine tho


So the mod to gain skills works in F&H1, but not in termina?

A new mod which lets you enter the hexen from the menu is now available.

It will also not advance the time


Hey Toby I love all the work you've done for the F&H community and I was wondering if I could commission a mod from you that would make streaming the game easier.

Ideally it would pause the hunger, mind, incoming damage and game clock while dialogue is open. 


Sure, i'll take you on your offer.

But i got a couple of questions.

1. Since the two games are pretty similar do you want this to be done for the both of them?

2. What classifies as "incoming damage" in game? 

The only thing that comes to mind is the enemies that can shoot you in the overworld in Termina.

 But since i don't play the games that much i might be missing something.

3. What would be affected by this "game clock"? 

For instance for the first F&H game i can understand that it may have to do with le'garde, but again, i need more details here.

If you want to you can contact me on discord so we could talk more: tobyyasha

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for your time toby! 
1. Yeah making it for both of them would be fantastic, unless it makes it more challenging or time consuming then I only have a preference towards F&H1 

2. Incoming damage such as the yellow mages that can cause limb loss in the overworld while interacting with objects or while dialogue boxes are open. 

3. Things affected by the "game clock" like rescuing Le'garde which I believe to be on something like a 30 min in game timer is what I am referencing there. I was vague simply as I don't have a complete understanding of all the ins and outs of the game/s and want this to help out a friend who enjoys the game but has found some snagging points while trying to voice act/read the dialogue for his audience. If there are no other instances of things being tied to a timer then that is all I am concerned about.

Again thank you so much for your time!

I sent you a friend request on discord under the username s0mthing :)

Hi! I've done everything as told to... and im still getting a 'File was not found' error. Is there any way to fix this?  It does this when I try to load it from Steam and the game file :(

Could you provide a screenshot of the issue?

Hello! Are your mods compatible with MattieFM's mods?

From what i've heard from other people using them i think they should be.


Uhhh help, i can't play due to the error as shown in the image below,

Also Heres my code:


    // TY_ModLoader -- By Toby Yasha



    // How to use


// NOTE: You will know if you are in the "www" folder if there's an "index.html" file inside.

// How to enable this plugin -->

// 1. Inside the "index.html" file paste the following:

// <script type="text/javascript" src="mods/TY_ModLoader.js"></script>

// 2. Attention! Make sure the pasted text is below the following:

// <script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>

// 3. Create a new folder inside the "www" folder called "mods".

// 4. Place the "TY_ModLoader.js" inside of the newly create "mods" folder.

// 5. Done, now you can load mods!

// How to add a mod -->

// 1. Place your mod file inside the newly create "mods" folder.

// 2. Insert mod's file name without the js extension inside "TY.MOD_LIST"

// 3. After inserting the name you must also place it between quotation marks

// 4. ???

// 5. profit

// How to add more than 1 mod -->

// 1. Mods must be separated by a comma

// 2. You can't have the same mod loaded twice or more times

// 3. Please do not include the "//" double slashes if you decide to copy the example


// var TY.MOD_LIST = [

//  'TY_YEP_ItemCore',

//  'TY_DetailedEquip',

// ];



    // Functional aspect


var TY = {};

TY.MOD_FILEPATH = 'mods/';















// Check if the mod was already added in the game

TY.isModAdded = function(modName) {

    return PluginManager._scripts.contains(modName);


// Check if the mod was already added in the game

TY.loadGameMods = function() {

    var defaultPath = PluginManager._path;

    if (this.MOD_LIST.length > 0) {

        PluginManager._path = TY.MOD_FILEPATH;

        this.MOD_LIST.forEach(function(gameMod) {

            if (!this.isModAdded(gameMod)) {

                PluginManager.loadScript(gameMod + '.js');



        }, this);


    PluginManager._path = defaultPath;



and Modlist:


It looks like you are trying to use Termina only mods in Fear & Hunger 1.

Try removing the following mods from your TY.MOD_LIST to see if the problem persist:

- TY_FnHInfiniteStamina

- TY_DetailedEquip

- TY_YEP_ItemCore

- TY_FnHRemoveOverlays

If you are unsure about mod compatibility you can always check the itch page which has all mods listed with a "Mod Scope" section under each of them.

Let me know if you need further help!



Sorry but i'm new to pc gaming in general, how do i install the mods? probably sounding pretty stupid but i didn't understand


You mean you don't know where?

If you have the steam version you should look for the game folder like so:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fear & Hunger 2 Termina\www

The itch version should be more simple since you can decide where the game gets downloaded.

If that's not what you meant then you should check the TY_ModLoader.js file which contains further instructions.

You can open the TY_ModLoader.js file in notepad to see its contents.

Let me know if you need further help!


I tried Remove Overlays mod. It works as intended in overworld, but when I try to sleep it shows this:


I haven't tested this, but if you want to try this fix you can open up the mod file and replace the section where it says "Spriteset_Map.prototype.disableFogOverlay" from line 28 to line 33 with this:

Spriteset_Map.prototype.disableFogOverlay = function() {

if (this.canDisableFogOverlay()) {

if (this.layerGraphics[1]) {

this.layerGraphics[1].visible = false;


if (this.layerGraphics[2]) {

this.layerGraphics[2].visible = false;





It worked, thank you.

Im having trouble locating the index_html file. All i found is an index file without the htmil, that opens a website. Please help


You should open the index.html file with a program like notepad in order to edit its contents.

To know if you are in the right place, are you currently in the "www" folder? 

If yes then that's the file correct file, even if it doesn't show you the ".html" extension at the end.

when i open it this happen

i opened it with notepad and got this

I actually managed to do it. Thank you for replying

A problem occurred. I was playing the game with the free skills and overlay mod. I closed the game and downloaded more mods, specifically infinite stamina, free recipes,  free saves and item core mod. I did the exact same thing with the other mods but when i entered the game the mods where not working but the game worked just fine. I removed the mods I mentioned above in hope that the free skills and overlay mod would at least work but they didn’t. I removed the 4 mods I mentioned above from the mods file and the mods loader file but alas nothing changed. The game still works fine but without the mods. Please help


Could you provide a screenshot of your TY_ModLoader opened in notepad?

Make sure the mod list is visible and up close.

(2 edits) (+1)

Alternatively you can wait until tomorrow when i wake up and post an update fix.

The choice is yours.


Currently trying to to enable the plugin but all I'm getting is this. I'm following the instructions given but I think I did something wrong?


I believe this only happens if you are trying to launch the game via the "Index.html" file.
Please only use "Game.exe" to launch the game!

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)


Well, in your normal plugin, when you select the character the function of addActor call the function created by the plugin that verify and set the const LeaderID to the party ID. But there is a problem with it.

In character Select menu, when you select a character FIRST the character of your selection is added to your party, and AFTER that Levi (in game Party Start Character and actor 1) is removed from your party.

BUT, if we check this after the Levi being removed from our party, the const LeaderID will receive the Correct Actor. I think I'm going to be the new plugin developer of this page in this rhythm.

    // Call refresh on a newly joined $gameParty member

    const Game_Party_AddActor = Game_Party.prototype.addActor;

    Game_Party.prototype.addActor = function(actorId) {

        Game_Party_AddActor.call(this, actorId);



    // Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich's Fix.

    const Game_Party_removeActor = Game_Party.prototype.removeActor;

    Game_Party.prototype.removeActor = function(actorId) {

        Game_Party_removeActor.call(this, actorId);





Nice job on this one


I managed to fix the Hexen problem in the Infinite Stamina Plugin by myself.

The '$gameVariables.setValue(2714, 0);' need to be inside 'Game_Map.prototype.update'.

(2 edits) (+1)

    if (allowInfiniteStamina) { // if "true" then don't run out of stamina

        // Reset stamina counter back to 0

        Game_Map.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) {

            Game_Map.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) {


                if (sceneActive) {







                if (this._useUltraMode7) {



                $gameVariables.setValue(2714, 0); //HERE





Thank you for looking into this and posting a fix for the problem!

After looking at the code i think i messed up some lines of code, specifically:

TY_Game_Map_Update.call(this, arguments);  This needs to be this instead -> TY_Game_Map_Update.call(this, ...arguments); 

TY_Game_Map_SetupEvents.call(this, arguments); This needs to be this instead -> TY_Game_Map_SetupEvents.call(this, ...arguments);

There's no need to paste the whole original "Game_Map.prototype.update" contents since that's what this line of code is meant to do "TY_Game_Map_Update.call(this, ...arguments);"


I tested your changes, these '...' fixed the problem.


There a bug in Infinite Stamina mod when the player enter the Hexen.



The character still having the hexen graphic has been an issue reported for the non-modded game as well.

But does this happen every time you exit the hexen or after you interact with a certain skill?

How fast you exit might affect things? But that's just a guess, 

the issue needs more looking into.

Thanks for the report!

(1 edit)

Well, this bug always occurs when I have installed the Infinite Stamina, and in saves that I've started with Infinite Stamina Plugin.

I've used Enlightenment Book to save my game in Hexen of School. I used a cheat plugin to see the switches and variables, and I discover that the Switch Hexen_GFX doesn't is disabled when exit the Hexen.

In Hexen Map, the event EV001 responsible for enabling Hexen_GFX is the same that removes the player from Hexen. Is a Map Common Event that occurs parallel while the player is in the Hexen Map, checking if the Button [Cancel] is being pressed, and if is pressed, several plugins command to apparently remove layers 'LAYER REMOVE 31 1', then the event Erase some pictures, and after wait 15 frames, disable HEXEN_GFX, and enabling the Switch Coming_Back_From_Hexen and disabling again the Hexen_GFX.

See the prints that i got using RPG Maker Editor with the game files.



Its amazing how good mods you make, can you make a mod which helps a bit about lag? The first game specially has a lot of lag when you are in big places and its laggy. Great job making these mods they are the best!

You can just Uptade NW.JS


Not sure there's much i can do here honestly since it's a matter of how the game was programmed by orange.Also thanks, glad you enjoyed the mods!

(3 edits) (+1)

Thanks Bro. I was modifying your code to use it personally for infinite stamina, but now I don't need to anymore.

My Brain: If (Stamina) > 0 return stress;

i am going insane! have been trying to get this to work for over an hour and nothing! decided to create this itch.io account in case you could help me. does the mod not work if you have your game decrypted?? does your game not work if you slightly mod the game? (i changed a line of dialogue)

Man, i use his mod daily in termina, and i uptaded by myself the NW.JS of the game and decrypted the games files (And also i mod my own game too).

What you may be doing wrong is not modifying system.js so that the game understands that the game is not encrypted,

(1 edit) (+1)

Very weird, i had other people report the mods not working while everything looking ok.

The only solution i found is giving them my mod files.

Can you contact me on discord?


EDIT: Forgot to mention, but playing with your game decrypted shouldn't matter since that's the way i play my version as well.

If all you've done is slightly changed the dialogue that should also have no effect on the mods.


Free Skills plugin need a bug fix for Termina, Spice-Forge, always give skills to Levi (Actor 1).  I would send a print of the code of Termina in the Common Event of Spice-Forge, but I just can't. But if you want to look, it's the Common Event 505.


Sure, i'll give it a look.

How does Spice Forge usually work? I haven't got the chance to try it out.

Is it only limited to the main character usually? That's what i assumed when i worked on the mod.

It might be different now that multiple characters can have access to it, guess i'll have to look more into this.

(2 edits) (+2)

Well, the variables Learns_{skill} have the ActorId of the character who learned that Skill.

The Common Event 505 Spice_SkillSET if the variables forge_{skill} have 1, 2, or 3. 1 for First Attack, 2 for Double Attack, 3 for Greater Attack, then the Common Event Gives the Actor stored in the Learns_{skill} the upgraded ability.

An possible cause of the problem is that the game have a true starting character, that is Levi. Once you press 'New Game' in the menu, inside the codes of the game you already have Levi as Party's Leader, and since the LeaderID of your plugin is a constant, the Plugins always consider Levi as the Leader.

I'm having an error trying to send prints, so I will send the prints though my Google Drive.


Sorry for the music in the video, i like dark souls music.

Edit 2: I tested and now i have certain, the proplem is that the game have a initial party, and levi is in that initial party, so he end being considered the Party Leader. Watch the video in 'cause'


Is there a way to remove fog? because it is a bit overwhelming


It should be possible. I'll look into making a mod for this, thank you for your suggestion.

Just in case, are you only talking about termina?


Yes, On Termina is where i have the problem because i used to love exploring with Olivia but sometimes is too much fog and now i dont even learn Undergrowth Awareness :P


The mod is now available, for further configurations please check the mod file.


Also, a good idea is an  infinite stamina plugin for Termina.


Thank you for your suggestion, i will have to do some testing to following days, along with your invincibility mod report.

After which everything should be good to go.

(3 edits) (+1)

Fix Invencibility dying from Eye Of Rher In F&H Termina. These are alredy the right switches and variables to set always 0/false to fix the proplem.




2197 EYE_OF_RHER_ACTIVE, 2198 EYE_OF_RHER, 2199 eye_of_rher_variable

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