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Autobattler does not do this game justice. It is very well done, well balanced, and easy to learn. I felt like I was in middle school again and played the entire game in a single sitting. I highly recommend this for anyone who is looking for a short, easy to pick up game for travel, work, or to unwind after a long day.

(full video will be released soon, it will be visible below.)

Amazing video!

I left a reply on the video as @blackgeckomyth

Thanks for playing the game!


It's a good game that requires but a little polish. Had a great gameplay session with the developer and so much passion was put into this game and I feel this game is very great. I hope the minor issues gets ironed out, because then it's perfect.


Here’s my review. Pretty good, all things considered.


this looks fun! ,i'd really appreciate a link to a gameplay clip too though please ^^


Oh! You are right! I was only thinking about posting a trailer when i make one, but i didn't think about a gameplay video for some reason.

I posted a link from my youtube channel here and thanks for the suggestion!


awesome! thank you.